by Brian Bell - Pace Law Firm: When a formal offer of employment is presented, termination is probably the last thing either the employer or the employee wants to think about. But in this global economy, there are no guarantees of employment until retired. A considerable number of employers believe that on a termination “without cause” (ie. due to downsizing, business downturn, and so on) all they need to do is provide the minimum as set out in the Employment Standards Act: 2000, Ontario. By doing so, it might well be said that the employer is risking the fact that the costs of any wrongful dismissal will be less than they need to otherwise pay out.
In a recent issue of Lawyers Weekly, author David Lublin points to a recent decision where the court with respect to the termination of a long serviced employee, awarded punitive damages in addition to full common law reasonable notice of 22 months (Brito v. Canac Kitchens [2011] O.J. No. 1117).
The employee had been provided with the Employment Standards minimum at the time of his termination without cause.
I have also had clients who after 20+ years of employment with the same employer receive the bare minimum that is required by the legislation. And in this current uncertain economy, this thinking will likely continue. So what to do?
In any offer of employment, companies should consider incorporating specific clauses dealing with termination without cause. The offer of employment should spell out what the process would be should the employee be let go. Essentially, such an approach gives the employee knowledge of what termination pay they might receive should they be terminated, and the employer is able to manage costs and risks based on the agreement between the two of them.
Neither party likes surprises. Neither party likes to spend unnecessary resources. Planning ahead allows both the employee and the employer to manage their objectives.
Pace Law Firm. 1-416-236-3060. Our labour and employment practice involves giving organizations and individuals cost effective advice on a broad range of labour and employment law issues. We fight for our clients' rights. Note that this page is not direct legal advice and may not apply to your situation. Consult a professional before making legal decisions.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Bill 168 and Workplace Violence
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Brian Bell |
According to the Ministry of Labour, the changes to Bill 168 "strengthen protections for workers from workplace violence and address workplace harassment. They define workplace violence and harassment and describe employer duties, and...apply to all workplaces covered by the OHSA."
So what effect has this had since last year? From my perspective, I have seen two major reactions.
First, employees have become aware of their ability to file a complaint under the Act for such issues as bullying and verbal/physical intimidation. Most of the complaints I've heard in the past year have been valid, while others have seemed a little shady; I have had inquiries claiming a bullying boss within the workplace that have appeared true, while I have had some that reflect the employer is simply requesting the employee to do their job satisfactorily and there is some resistance on the part of the employee.
On the other hand, I had one employer who in the name of the Act and ensuring compliance, took steps that in effect bullied the employees to such a degree that at least half the work force has resigned over the last year.
Employers may misinterpret the Act either on purpose or because they just don't understand it. One employer, in response to an Order from the Ministry of Labour about a “domestic” issue overflowing into the workplace, felt that having a meeting with staff and championing the slogan “we want a safe workplace” was sufficient in meeting the requirements of the Act. I am sorry to say that having one meeting and coming up with a catchy phrase doesn't cut it. An educational program must be developed by employers in order to educate their staff, and employers must follow certain procedures to ensure compliance with the Act.
To learn more about what's involved in the Act, you can go to this link, or drop me an email here with any questions.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Employment Law Front Page
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sagittis
ipsum at erat gravida luctus. Duis adipiscing, mauris sit amet ornare
mollis, felis ligula viverra velit, eu volutpat ligula turpis pretium
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Proin varius egestas molestie. Aliquam purus lacus, fermentum nec volutpat sit amet, fringilla et dolor. Nullam in risus at enim interdum auctor. Nulla quis turpis vel lectus aliquam mattis. Suspendisse fermentum erat nec sapien sollicitudin quis pretium massa cursus. Duis ut dolor tortor. Sed eleifend elit eu velit laoreet convallis.
Nulla a felis velit, sit amet malesuada nibh. Aenean at enim at libero venenatis accumsan. Donec a vulputate massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla aliquet magna quis ante molestie luctus. In non lectus est, at euismod augue. Sed eget volutpat augue. Morbi posuere mollis aliquet. Vestibulum sit amet leo dui, sed vestibulum magna. Ut scelerisque, ipsum sed tristique rhoncus, nibh dolor adipiscing risus, id congue dolor magna at felis. Etiam fermentum facilisis libero, vel egestas dui porttitor et. Etiam odio enim, mollis accumsan adipiscing in, interdum vel turpis.
Fusce cursus, massa pharetra lobortis suscipit, nulla nunc ullamcorper risus, quis tempus augue nisl in nunc. Morbi mauris libero, scelerisque a laoreet sed, facilisis in purus. Morbi consequat lorem et justo condimentum molestie volutpat velit lacinia. Donec eget felis elit, sed mollis ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque sem ipsum, rhoncus sit amet euismod in, pharetra et risus. Cras sed fermentum justo. Fusce eget lectus et nibh bibendum accumsan non sit amet purus. Maecenas et eleifend libero. Aenean mollis eros sed urna fermentum nec fringilla lorem dictum. Praesent nec sem urna. Phasellus ultricies odio vel metus varius fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, metus eu molestie placerat, urna justo hendrerit massa, id tincidunt risus odio quis diam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Quisque eget quam massa, vitae tristique nisi. Vestibulum mollis cursus condimentum. Quisque sapien metus, consectetur a feugiat nec, laoreet sed sapien. Nam at est vel sem scelerisque sodales. Integer eleifend volutpat porta. Duis non consectetur nisl. Donec vitae tellus enim. Donec luctus condimentum consequat.
Proin varius egestas molestie. Aliquam purus lacus, fermentum nec volutpat sit amet, fringilla et dolor. Nullam in risus at enim interdum auctor. Nulla quis turpis vel lectus aliquam mattis. Suspendisse fermentum erat nec sapien sollicitudin quis pretium massa cursus. Duis ut dolor tortor. Sed eleifend elit eu velit laoreet convallis.
Nulla a felis velit, sit amet malesuada nibh. Aenean at enim at libero venenatis accumsan. Donec a vulputate massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla aliquet magna quis ante molestie luctus. In non lectus est, at euismod augue. Sed eget volutpat augue. Morbi posuere mollis aliquet. Vestibulum sit amet leo dui, sed vestibulum magna. Ut scelerisque, ipsum sed tristique rhoncus, nibh dolor adipiscing risus, id congue dolor magna at felis. Etiam fermentum facilisis libero, vel egestas dui porttitor et. Etiam odio enim, mollis accumsan adipiscing in, interdum vel turpis.
Fusce cursus, massa pharetra lobortis suscipit, nulla nunc ullamcorper risus, quis tempus augue nisl in nunc. Morbi mauris libero, scelerisque a laoreet sed, facilisis in purus. Morbi consequat lorem et justo condimentum molestie volutpat velit lacinia. Donec eget felis elit, sed mollis ipsum. Nulla facilisi. Quisque sem ipsum, rhoncus sit amet euismod in, pharetra et risus. Cras sed fermentum justo. Fusce eget lectus et nibh bibendum accumsan non sit amet purus. Maecenas et eleifend libero. Aenean mollis eros sed urna fermentum nec fringilla lorem dictum. Praesent nec sem urna. Phasellus ultricies odio vel metus varius fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, metus eu molestie placerat, urna justo hendrerit massa, id tincidunt risus odio quis diam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Quisque eget quam massa, vitae tristique nisi. Vestibulum mollis cursus condimentum. Quisque sapien metus, consectetur a feugiat nec, laoreet sed sapien. Nam at est vel sem scelerisque sodales. Integer eleifend volutpat porta. Duis non consectetur nisl. Donec vitae tellus enim. Donec luctus condimentum consequat.
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